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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey again! 

I wrote a blog this morning during my quiet time with The Lord and I hope that you had a chance to read it. Since then, I’ve worshipped with a few other squadmates on our balcony, facetimed my grandma, talked to my cousin, gone out for lunch and scrolled a few times on insta.. just a typical day in the life of a world racer on debrief. I’ve truly been soaking in all the time I’ve been getting these past few days to relax, recollect, and prepare for what’s next. 
Speaking of what’s next, this blog is an update for just that.
This past Tuesday, our entire squad minus about 8 of us packed up on a bus and headed to Honduras. There were a few of us, due to Covid contact tracing and what not that weren’t able to leave Guatemala quite yet, me being one of them. We are all being tested again tomorrow, and then upon all of us being negative, we will head out! 
There are a couple of bigger changes that are happening with this country switch that I want to specifically highlight:
Comayagua, Honduras: Comayagua is the town that we will be staying at in Honduras for 2 months (May & June). Our ministry site is located up in the mountains, kinda out in the middle of nowhere from what I’ve heard! We will be working with a ministry helping out with projects and serving the community in different capacities. I’m not exactly sure what to expect yet, so I will let ya’ll know more once I do. 
Tenting: I was going to add this in with the above information, but I truly decided that this piece of information deserves its own section. We are tenting these next 2 months. PRAYERS!!! hehehe. Our squad has been given a campsite where we are all going to be pitching our tents and taking bucket showers. We aren’t going to have much access to service/internet from what I know, and so these next 2 months will seem very quiet from my end. I promise to keep good notes of what happens so I can let you all in when I’m back in some internet! I’ve already begun to strategize about how I plan to keep my tent in good condition/organized these next couple months in order to keep my sanity. Will let you know how that goes… 
Team Changes: For the first four months of the race, I was on a team called Oasis. At this debrief, we all switched teams. I’m now on a team of 6 called Las Amadas, which means beloved in spanish. I’m SO excited about this team. A couple of them I’ve been wanting to know better, and a few of them I’ve already had the chance to spend time with.. making it a really sweet combination of new/old friends all of whom I love already! It’s me, Annie, Kailee, McKayla, Katelyn, and Kaci. We will be with this team for 2 months. 
All Squad Month: Different from the other ministry sites that we’ve worked at, my ENTIRE squad will be at this site. In the past, they’ve split up the different teams and we’ve all been at different ministry sites, but this time we will all be at the same place. After a month, the guys on the squad will be switching ministry sites and us ladies will all be together for the remaining month in Honduras. 
I believe that’s it! Prayers over my entire squad for these next 2 months will be appreciated. I’m walking into Honduras with open hands. My parents reminded me that this is what I signed up for. I’m excited. Can’t wait to update ya’ll again in a bit!! 
Love you all!

One response to “honduras update”

  1. Good thing you already know how to light a fire! It may come in handy for this wilderness living. #campfire #tenting #warmupshowerwater